Le Ciel - by Harukami Again with the Malice Mizer! At least this is a relatively normal song... if not the same for the fic. ^_^;; "Seitokaichou?" Touga folded the papers and smiled up at Miki, who stood inside the elevator, shyly, uncertain. He really could be so cute. "Come in, Miki. The balcony is open to all student council members. You know that." "Yes." Miki stepped in, slowly. Touga glanced away as he placed the papers in a book bag. When he looked back, Miki was there, fists clenching and unclenching, agitated. "Seitokaichou?" Touga rose and stroked the soft cheek of the younger boy, smiling. The secreatary flinched slightly but didn't move away. Touga let his hand fall. Miki would not be deterred from his purpose; not yet, not until his piece had reached completion. "Well, Miki? It seems you have something to say to me." "Seitokaichou," Miki began reluctantly, then sighed, a smile flitting across his features. "May I call you Touga, Seitokaichou? I need to ask you this as a person." That was somewhere between amusing and gratifying. "I have told you before that you can call me Touga." Miki blushed, looked down, then raised his eyes, suddenly decisive. "Yes, you have, but I was in your bed at the time, and I'm sure you'd think of that every time I used your given name if I didn't get it on my own terms, Seitokaichou." Touga tossed his head back and laughed. "Yes, Miki. Yes, that's fine. You may." "Touga..." Pause. "Please tell me. Why did my sister sleep with you?" He could remember the look on Miki's face earlier when he had almost interrupted them in the music room. Truly, Miki was adorable. He smiled, a quick twist of the lips upward. "Well, you've slept with me as well. Perhaps you can answer that yourself." The younger boy's breath hissed out suddenly, a short burst of air. It was the only sign of loss of control. When he spoke again, it was fast but not too fast. "I didn't phrase that very well. Why does she sleep with so many people she hardly cares for?" Clear blue eyes fixed on Touga. "I thought you could answer that." Staring into eyes that had -- somehow -- kept some of their innocence, Touga wondered how much of the truth to tell. He sighed and looked at the sky instead. It had rained earlier, and a rainbow stretched across the student council balcony. "In a way, it's a method of controlling your own life. Haven't you ever felt as if you couldn't control your own life? But seduction, even just sex, is a power, or an illusion of one. You use a person's needs and wants to gratify your own wants, be they physical or not. And once you've got a person to submit to you, it's as submission is supposed to be. You had made it happen, and you'll always own a part of that person. Not, perhaps, because they're someone but because they've lost control and you've gained it. And that submission never goes away, even if it only happened once, because you both know it happened." Miki looked at him, unwavering. "I use music for that," he said. "To keep control. And it never hurts anyone." Touga suddenly felt unwell. He didn't want to talk about it any more. Miki was too innocent to understand. He smiled, calculated to end the conversation, and stroked his fingers down Miki's cheeks again. "Well, now you know. Will I..." a deliberate pause, "...see you later? We have much to do." He didn't mean council work, and knew Miki knew it, and knew they'd both act otherwise. Miki glanced away,taking a step towards the elevator. "I don't know. I'm going to practice now. I don't know how long I'll be." He glanced back at Touga and relented. "I'll try to stop by tonight." He didn't mean 'try', and Touga knew it. He pretended otherwise. "Ah, well. Perhaps tonight, then." He stayed there smiling until the elevator had slid out of sight with a rattle, then sat carefully in a chair and tilted his head back to look at the sky. It had rained earlier. He could barely see the remnants of the rainbow, fading fast. He wondered if it would last. He wondered when everything had started to go wrong. "Hey, Haru! Have you ever noticed how your astrological sign is 69 sideways? How appropriate!" ".....MOTHER!" -A conversation between my mom and I