Ju Te Veux - another warped Utena fic by Harukami And, yes, it's again named after a Malice Mizer song. Vague yuri here. *waves the home colours, which happen to be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet* I don't loathe Shiori. Much. Maybe a little. A lot. But I do understand her. A little. Not much. Uhm, yeah. PRE-series here, folks. "Look, Juri-san." Juri looked. A bird. A collection of tendons, bones, muscles, feathers... it was flying. "Isn't it pretty, Juri-san?" Juri looked back. Young face alight with wonder, eyes turned away from her observer. Perfectly heart-shaped face. Full lips tilted upward. Raspberry-coloured hair falling around that sharp chin. "Yes," Juri said. "It is." The older girl watched as She sat. Those full lips continued to smile as Her hand patted the ground beside Her. "Juri-san, sit with me?" The girl did not meet Juri's eyes. Juri sat. "Have you ever wanted to fly, Juri-san?" Sometimes, Juri would dream. Last night had been one of them. She rarely dreamed, so it was memorible. Juri had been flying. Full wings, feathers each as long as her arm, stretched from her back for at least ten feet, eleven, twelve... further. They caught the wind and her unbound hair waved against her nude body as the wings pumped, pumped, building momentum, muscles bunching and extending as she went so high she felt dizzy and had to duck back down. Going back through the clouds she'd seen the tower of Ohtori Observatory ahead and had flown closer. Inside, She was there, kissing a man. Juri hadn't pulled back in time and had impacted with the window, naked figure contorting with pain, wings giving out as she spiraled down, down, down, to impact hard with pavement outside. It had hurt. Blood had puddled around her, but it wasn't the painfully bright red of newly spilled blood, it had been raspberry-coloured. She had woken up, rose from bed, and headed for the shower. "Yes," Juri responded distantly. "Of course. Haven't you?" "Oh," She murmured, still not looking directly at Juri, "I have. I think everybody wants to fly, right? Imagine the feeling! The wind in your hair, complete freedom, nothing to overpower you, everything in your dominion!" The girl stretched a hand out. "Nothing would escape my grasp unless I wanted it to." When Juri had gotten out of the shower, the whole bathroom was filled with steam. She hadn't thought to turn on the bathroom fan. It would be hard to brush out her long hair, especially if she didn't want it to curl into its customary sausage-curls, which is what it did if she didn't brush and dry it at the same time. She had taken the slightly-damp towel and ran it over the mirror. It was still blurry. In her reflection, she thought she had seen large, blindingly white wings from her back and had felt a heaviness there that matched it. But when she scrubbed harder with the towel, unwilling or unable to just look over her shoulder, the wings had vanished with most of the mist, leaving only the heaviness. "What do you want to catch, Shiori?" Juri asked Her. The raspberry-haired girl smiled and looked into the far distance. "Nothing. Childish fancies. You know. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't have to. It's just dreaming." "No," Juri agreed. "It never makes sense." "HEY! OVER HERE!" The other girl had stopped listening. Juri looked up. He was approaching. She placed a smile on her face. "Shiori. Juri." He smiled at both of them. Shiori smiled back brightly, meeting his eyes. "Good afternoon." "Good afternoon!" Juri felt tired. "Good afternoon." She rose. "Juri-san, don't go." Shiori's eyes were large and startled. "I have to study," Juri said and left as quickly as she could. She was tired. Maybe she needed to sleep. To dream. To fly. Her back ached. FIN