5: Ranma saw. After a moment, he returend to himself, carefully considering what he'd just learned. It was, even for him, incredible. He turned to look at Calyx. There were similarities, yes ... but overall she looked nothing like the girl in the poor bastard's mind. "He didn't know anything we can use," he told her, honestly. Then, "Does the name Kiryuu Touga mean anything to you?" She shook her head, plainly baffled by the question. "Never mind, then," he said, rising up. "He won't wake up for quite a few hours. Let's get the hell out of here." Calyx stood up with only a hint of shakiness in her legs, and pulled the door open to head out without looking back. He approved, but couldn't help but look down at the body for a moment. Once upon a time, there had been a cruel young boy who'd delighted in the attentions of his many fiancees. That boy was dead, but his ghost in the man Ranma had become recognized a bit of himself in the boy who'd become the man he'd beaten. What had been done to this man by their enemy ought not to be done to a dog. Ranma didn't enjoy killing people, but when he faced the one who'd done this ... he'd live with himself afterwards. It would probably kill the other man, too, but he had a feeling that by now he'd welcome death. Ranma turned and walked away. TBC