Fear of Angels Part Eight Tatiana Celeste lintila@hotmail.com "Akio-san, when will I be a prince like you?" Touga asked, looking up at his mentor from the carpeted floor. Akio chuckled, "It takes time, and patience, you must be calm and collected and dashing, and a lover of princesses." "Lover of princesses?" Touga laughed, his blue eyes peering out from his long red hair. "A prince’s duty is to help princesses, therefore you must love them all equally, to be willing to save them." "I see," Touga said tapping his pencil against the math book he was studying from. "Could you help me with this, I’m stuck." "You’re just not trying hard enough Touga-kun." The young man sighed, "I’m bored." "Oh?" Akio asked with a smile, sliding out of the chair. "I don’t care for math..." "Few people do," Akio said, running his hands through Touga’s hair, absently caressing his back. "Eh? Akio-san..." Touga said surprised. "What? I’m bored too," he whispered in the student’s ear. The pencil tapped on the book in a pulsing rhythm, faster, faster. "It’s," Touga tried to pull away, "It’s not right..." "Touga, when you are as I am...there is no such thing as right and wrong," Akio explained, tilting the younger man’s face up until their lips met. The pencil broke in two. ** Anthy watched from the doorway of the kitchen, waiting patiently for Akio to tire of his conquest. Chu-Chu was nearby on the counter munching on a cookie. They had discovered that the creature’s metabolism was so intensely fast that he had to eat constantly to keep his energy. Touga seemed to be taking this well, considering he probably hadn’t even gone this far with a girl...then again it didn’t matter to Akio. Nothing like that ever mattered to him. She leaned against the doorframe and closed her eyes, waiting, resisting the jealousy that toyed with her being. Akio had been paying more attention to Touga lately, as a key piece in the new game. As a result he had been ignoring her and she spent most of her evenings in the rose garden now to get away from it. Touga’s uniform pants landed next to her feet with the gentle riffle sound that cloth made. She picked them up and searched the pockets. Oh...a wallet. She opened it, discarding the pants, and flipped through the pictures. Uninteresting for the most part though...Anthy smiled to herself, who was this? His...sister? The young blonde eyed blue haired girl stared out at Anthy as she clung to Touga’s arm. So...they were close were they? Well...she would teach this little girl what it was like...to have someone come between her and her brother. If Akio could have his playthings, well so could she. Anthy threw the wallet down onto the turquoise pants and retreated back into the kitchen, ignoring the sounds in the main room. She sat at the wooden table and sipped her tea, continuing to do so even when the room was infiltrated by an odd silence. Akio entered the kitchen, more like stumbled. Anthy glanced over at him, "Have fun?" He smirked, "Jealous?" Akio leaned against the wall prettily posing for Anthy, shaking his hair out so that it draped over his shoulders. "You’re such a woman sometimes Onii-sama," Anthy said plainly, getting up to leave. "Do you want a turn?" Akio asked coming up behind her and grabbing her waist, "You know you’re the only one I can trust completely, my little witch." "Don’t..." Anthy struggled but he just tightened his grip. "Shh...you don’t want to wake our guest do you?" he kissed her neck, playing idly with her long hair. Anthy fell into him, her body relaxing. "Things like this must be done Anthy, trust me. You do trust me don’t you?" "Onii-sama," Anthy said helplessly, closing her eyes and pressing her cheek into his hand. "Akio-san," Touga’s voice came from the doorway, "Who is that?" Akio turned his head and then his body so that Anthy was faced with Touga. "Touga-kun, this is Anthy, my sister, have you not met her properly?" "N-no...ah," Touga blushed faintly, realizing that he was still in the stage of undress, like Akio, and Anthy was very much clothed. "Anthy, you’re making our guest uncomfortable," Akio said holding her tightly, "Do your best," he released her and pushed the girl forward so that she fell into Touga. Touga blushed and stepped back so that Anthy fell forward and had to catch herself. "Anthy..." Akio said in a commanding voice. The girl nodded and undressed, her clothes falling to the floor. "Touga," Akio began, wrapping his arm around Anthy, "This, is the Rose Bride." "Rose...Bride?" Touga studied Anthy, "The one you were telling me about?" "Yes. Do you want her? Do you want her power?" "Power?" Touga whispered. "Yes," Akio placed a hand between Anthy’s breasts and called forth the sword of Dios. "What?" Touga took a step back. "Whats wrong? Touga-san?" Anthy said calmly, taking a step towards him, the hilt of the sword pointed towards him, "Take it." Touga hesitantly reached his hand out for the hilt and was just about to touch it when Akio pushed it back inside her body. "Not yet, Touga-kun, the game has yet to begin...but, you may get to know her, if you desire." "Onii-sama..." "Akio-san..." Akio pushed Anthy towards Touga again, "You wish to be a prince? You must have a princess to do so." Touga looked at Akio then let his eyes drift over Anthy's body. Anthy looked back at Akio," Onii-sama!" she whispered. "Shh Anthy, he will be a great man someday, play a part in his...education." Anthy turned back to Touga and bowed to him. Touga bowed awkwardly back, unsure of what to make of all this. She smiled kindly and placed a hand on his chest, "Have you been with a girl, Touga-kun?" He nodded hesitantly, "Only a little though...not..." he was silenced as Anthy's lips covered his own and she began furthering his princely education. ****** Anthy rolled over, Touga resting silently next to her. Akio was nowhere to be found and Chu-Chu had disappeared long before. She sat up gracefully, her hair draping around her. Touga stirred and propped himself on his elbow. "Where are you going?" Touga asked her, eyeing her body. Anthy looked at him inexpressively. His eyes had changed; there was a hunger to them. She supposed it was one thing to be the receiver, but entirely another when you were the dominator. He had tasted a new power and he had enjoyed it. Touga reached out with his other hand and grabbed hers, "Stay, there’s more fun to be had, Rose Bride." Anthy looked away, angered by this. She could see Akio now, in the doorway of his bedroom, holding a red rose and gesturing towards the door with his eyes. Why would he want her to take Touga to the Rose garden though? "Touga, would you like to see the Rose Garden?" she asked casually, running a finger over his chest. "Not particularly, I’d rather stay here." "I’m afraid that is out of the question for now," Akio said emerging from the bedroom, "Kanae is coming over Anthy, remember?" "Oh, oh yes." "Kanae?" Touga looked at Akio who just smiled. "Touga," Anthy said standing, "Let’s go to the rose garden," She took his hand and led him to the bathroom. She knew how important Kanae was to Akio’s plans. She was the key to attaining the academy completely. They had of coursed ruled Ohtori to a certain degree, but never enough. There were always caught within the bounds of the rules. Once Akio broke through this though...he would be the commander. He already had the teachers and administration under his thumb. They were in awe of him really, and she didn’t blame them. She was in awe of him. Akio caught her before she followed Touga into the bathroom, "Stay away for a while hm? It shouldn’t be a problem though. Saionji should be at the garden like he always it. It should be interesting." "Is that really fair? Anyways, why are you favoring Touga above the others, you’ve hardly even touched on Miki, Juri or Ruka." "Don’t question me Anthy. Kanae will be here in an hour, get dressed and get out of here." She tried to keep the pain down. She was just a liability? "Oh Anthy, I don’t mean it like that," he kissed her cheek, "When she leaves I will give you all the attention you want. I’ll send Chu-Chu after you when she’s gone, how’s that?" She smiled weakly. "Good, now, our little prince to be is getting lonely. By the way, how are things going with Saionji?" Anthy paused, "Well enough, we meet every now and then in the Rose Garden." "Good, good. Keep his interest, he will also be key to the duels." "Onii-sama?" "Yes?" "What about the other two? Why did we bother?" "It’s not very interesting if only two people are dueling Anthy, and even when Dios’ own comes...she will need some competition." "Oh, I think I see." "Good, now get moving." ****** Touga and Anthy walked arm in arm towards the campus. On occasion she would glance at him. He was her age physically and already beautiful, in a couple of years he would indeed become the prince of the campus. The way he walked already showed that he was proud of whom he was and that he knew he was special. He placed his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. "Akio-san says that the Rose Bride has no feelings, that she is nothing but a doll. Is this true?" "Supposedly," Anthy said quietly. Touga laughed, "You mean you don’t know?" Anthy said nothing. "What?" "I have no owner as of yet, so I really cannot answer your question." "I see," Touga said stopping and pulling her to him, "What if I owned you? Would you do what I asked?" "Yes." "What would you get out of it? I cannot believe easily that someone would do this for nothing." "You are perceptive. I will share the revolution with the one who attains it. The one who attains revolution gains the power of Dios. They will become the worlds prince." "What will Akio-san get out of it?" "That is something you must ask him," she said quietly. "Of course," Touga leaned his head down and kissed her cheek, "Shall we keep going?" "Certainly." They walked in silence for a while longer, the rose garden visible in the distance. Within the glass structure she could see a shadow pacing, occasionally bending over the roses, most likely to inhale their delicate scent. "Looks like someone is in there already," Touga said, he voice unreadable, "Shall we go somewhere else?" Anthy thought quickly, Akio had specified the Rose Garden. If he had wanted them to just leave then he would not have been so specific, he would have just told them to leave. "No, let’s just continue on, it’s the place I feel comfortable at." "Oh really?" "Yes," Anthy said softly pulling Touga gently, this was most likely the confrontation of Saionji and Touga. She remembered Akio mentioning something about that, though he had been hiding his plans from her more and more lately. She pushed the door open slowly and the figure that she had spied earlier jumped up. "Anthy!" It was Saionji’s voice. "Saionji," she said quietly, "Hello." "I was, I mean, I hope you don’t mind that I was waiting for..." his voice trailed off. "Hello Saionji," Touga said following Anthy into the garden and reclaiming her arm. Saionji took a step back, his violet eyes wide, "Anthy...hello Touga." "Who were you waiting for Saionji-kun?" Touga asked almost snidely, as if he knew. Anthy looked down at the floor of the garden, she regretted having to do this to Saionji. He perhaps would be the worse off for the duels. Touga was favored and Juri, Ruka, and Miki were to be extra challenges...but Saionji was the tool, the one to lure in and provoke. He had the potential, but the anger needed to be prodded. Akio had described him as a captured animal of the wild that only needed to be released from his cage. "I see you have met Touga," Saionji said in a bitter voice, refusing to look at Anthy. Touga smiled calmly and pulled Anthy close, "Yes, I have gotten to know her quite well actually. Don’t tell me you have not been allowed to experience such a gift." Anthy’s eyes widened. Saionji’s eyes did likewise, his pale hands clenching and unclenching, anger prevalent on his face. "Fine," he spat, "I thought you were different Anthy! I thought that you could resist his charms, that you would perhaps choose me even when you met him! Here I find out your just another one of his fawning sluts! That’s just fine!" She refused to look at him. "I thought I was...no, no never mind I shouldn’t even discuss it, I regret wasting my time with you," he made an exasperated gesture and stormed out of the Rose Garden. "You shouldn’t have told him that," Anthy said matter-of-factly, pulling away from Touga’s embrace. "Why? It’s true isn’t it?" Touga said. If Saionji’s words had affected him he wasn’t showing it. "Anyway’s Akio-san has promised you to me. You will be my Rose Bride." Anthy began to water the roses. Touga’s pride would be his down fall that was certain. She tried to hide her emotions. Could she really bear to be Touga’s Rose Bride? Saionji’s Rose Bride? Juri’s? Ruka’s? Miki’s? Why couldn’t she just be with her true prince? She lingered on the white roses, Dios’ roses. The colors had already been assigned and the white roses would go to Dios’ chosen. What would she be like? How would she arrive to them? Would she...protect her from the others? Anthy stumbled over that thought. Akio protected her! Akio was the only one she needed and she did this for him. It was by his kindness alone that they lived as well as they did. Touga inspected the roses, indiscriminately plucking a red one from its main stem. "Here, for the princess who will give me the power that I desire." She took it from his hand hesitantly, preferring that he had left it alone, and said "Thank you," though she knew that he shouldn’t be so certain of himself in this game. Too many had done so before and she feared that Akio was spoiling his best prospect...then again who was she to know how Akio would set this up.